Once a 203nian,
always a 203nian
Friday, September 11, 2009 / 5:43 PM
Hello! It's been 2 years since we graduated from 103! Anyway, another class outing is here! Time to celebrate the Mooncake Festival :DDetails are here, if you forget. Mooncake Festival 09Venue: Same as last year's (AMK park) Date: 2nd October, Friday Time: 4.30pm What to bring(optional): Mooncakes, candlesI know it's exam period, but since this is probably our last outing together(although there may be another one organised by melissa), cos when we reach sec4 we probably won't have time for another one. So, everyone, it will be greatly appreciated if you all can come :D Thank you.*Btw class, we are collecting money for lanterns(yes, we will be buying lanterns for people who are going) it's very expensive, probably a few cents!!!! Please do not expect a large lantern, like those you see hanging outside shops. It's those flammable lanterns, so take care of them, and if you want, after using them, you can burn or do whatever you want with it. No warranty given, FYI.Please help spread around, and only for 203 '08 students! Thank you, and if I missed out anything, feel free to tell me. Anything you can call/sms me :D- wei ping
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Friday, September 11, 2009 / 5:43 PM
Hello! It's been 2 years since we graduated from 103! Anyway, another class outing is here! Time to celebrate the Mooncake Festival :DDetails are here, if you forget. Mooncake Festival 09Venue: Same as last year's (AMK park) Date: 2nd October, Friday Time: 4.30pm What to bring(optional): Mooncakes, candlesI know it's exam period, but since this is probably our last outing together(although there may be another one organised by melissa), cos when we reach sec4 we probably won't have time for another one. So, everyone, it will be greatly appreciated if you all can come :D Thank you.*Btw class, we are collecting money for lanterns(yes, we will be buying lanterns for people who are going) it's very expensive, probably a few cents!!!! Please do not expect a large lantern, like those you see hanging outside shops. It's those flammable lanterns, so take care of them, and if you want, after using them, you can burn or do whatever you want with it. No warranty given, FYI.Please help spread around, and only for 203 '08 students! Thank you, and if I missed out anything, feel free to tell me. Anything you can call/sms me :D- wei ping
[1] Rika
[2] Weiping
[3] Melissa
[4] Jaline
[5] Hazell
[6] Kady
[7] Sok Khing
[8] Muiping
[9] Michelle Lum
[10] Maha
[11] Michelle Ang
[12] Fadilah
[13] Ramiza
[14] Karesia
[15] Amira
[16] Syafiqah
[17] Talia
[18] Eeshan
[19] Andy
[20] Galvin
[21] Jerome
[22] Matthew
[23] Shyai
[24] Mustaqim
[25] Guang Ming
[26] Sheng Hui
[27] Iky
[28] Dillion
[29] Zhi Hong
[30] Spencer
[31] Daniel
[32] Jiawei
[33] Yube